Thank you to our community for your SUPPORT!


November 6, 2018

Contact:  Jason Bostic – FFII/PIO/CFSI
Tel:  (740) 485-6790

Thank you to our community

We would like to thank the residents of the Fredericktown Community Fire District for their support on our renewal levy that was on the ballot today.

“The FCFD sincerely appreciates the support and trust of our community in voting to renew our levy,” said FCFD Chief Scott Mast.  “We thank our supporters, and through their generosity we are able to provide everyone in our fire district with the highest level of fire service.”

This levy directly funds the operations of the FCFD on a yearly basis.  Although grants and other opportunities are sought out, this is a primary source of funding to provide protection to those living in, and traveling through our beautiful fire district.

Your yes vote in passing this levy ensures that quality services will continue, and that we can attain new goals in our journey to provide the best protection.

Ultimately, beyond all the accomplishments that the fire district has attained over the years, it is the community support that drives our mission.  Our residents who graciously support and trust us at the voting booth and beyond are a significant driving force to our members. Our service to community is something we don’t take lightly.

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