Things have busy around the FCFD the past few days or so with runs. Some runs in district and others mutual-aid. One thing that has kept crews around Knox County busy however have been grass/field fires that are being quickly spread by the unpredictable winds and dry conditions that exist in the fall.
Did you know that during the months of March, April, May, October, and November; between the hours of 6:00am and 6:00pm that there is NO OPEN BURNING PERMITTED in the State of Ohio? Thats right, we are right in the middle of a BURN BAN! Dry conditions, the right type of tinder on the ground, harvested fields or those waiting to be harvested are just a spark away from a raging inferno that can move rapidly out of control.
Even after the hours of the BURN BAN you should exercise extreme caution before lighting your outdoor fire. If high winds exist, don’t light it and find a better time.
If ever you feel that the fire is out of control, call 911 immediately to get firefighters on the way to quickly extinguish the fire.